Friday, May 18, 2012

Activists Arrested

In Azerbaijan, peaceful protestors have been harshly arrested and beaten. Also, other journalists, activists, and bloggers have been arrested for using their freedom of speech, especially when it was used to criticize the government. People have been arrested as recently as a protests on May 14, where people were rounded up, or dragged aside and beaten. Especially in preparation for Eurovision, when the whole world will be watching as it is hosted in Azerbaijan, the government should release the journalists and protestors. These people should be allowed to use their right to freedom of speech. Since, Eurovision is happening, it actually helps them to gain the world's approval and might help them to gain allies. The government needs to allow the people to use their freedom of expression and the people need it for the country to run smoothly. These people deserve better.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Leading Protestors Arrested

The lead protestors in Bangladesh anti-government protests have been arrested. Now, protests have started anew to ask for their release. Also, one of the leaders of the BNP Party, whose leaders are the ones being arrested, disappeared. His car was found and was missing him and his driver. The government denies any involvement in his disappearance and refuses to grant bail for the arrested leaders. This seems to be getting violent. If the government odes not listen to the pleas of its people, the situation is sure to escalate. While the government does not have to do the commands of its people, it si entitled to listen to them and best represent and take care of its people. If the leaders have eben arrested only for anti-government protests, they  should be immediately released.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bahrain Must Release Activists

In Bahrain, activist Nabeel Rajab has been arrested for "offending an official institution". Basically, he was using his freedom of speech against the government, to criticize its actions. There have been gang attacks, and the government has not prosecuted anyone and does not seem to be investigating. Another activist has been sentenced to a life term in prison for organizing protests and protesting, and going on food strikes for his release. His daughter was arrested for protesting for the release of his sentence. These people should immediately be released. The government must give people their right to freedom of speech for the country to run smoothly and effectively. This needs to change soon.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Islamists Attack TVs

Islam in Northern Mali smashed tv's that were playing un-islamic stations. The islams recently forced away government troops and are now forcing Shariah law on the people. When protestors came out, the attackers fired shots to disperse the crowd. The muslims there are forcing strict laws. These residents deserve better and they should not have another religion's laws forced on them. Also, this is violating their freedom of speech as television is a way to express views. Hopefully, something will change and the people will give them their freedoms back.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Peaceful Protest Intimidations

In India, a nuclear power plant is scheduled to be built. However, as it is by rural communities, the farmers and fisherman are worried about how the possible pollution might affect their livelihood. Also, the population was worried about tsunamis and nuclear fall out. They began protesting, and the government promised to consider reforms to the building if the people stopped protesting. The people stopped protesting, but the government did not seem to make any reforms, so the protesting bagan again. Now, the government is claiming that the nongovernment organizations are working for foreign countries, especially the United States. Many people are currently in prison. The government should not blame foreign countries for the people's beliefs. If India is truly democratic, it needs to listen to its people's pleas, especially if their livelihood is at stake. Hopefully, the government will release its prisoners and keep in mind possible safety changes and the risk of its people losing their livelihood.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Uganda Draft Order

In Uganda, the final draft of a bill has recently been given to parliament to approve. However, it would drastically impair freedom of speech and expression and many of its points do not follow the international law. One of its points allows violence to restore order if the person will not come willingly, no matter what crime they committed. Also, Activists for Change (A4C) a non-profit organization that protested poor governance and corruption. This bill needs to be revised. First, it should follow international law and should not be banning a non profit movement. The government should be worried about properly representing and governing its people, not protesters trying to get a greater reforms. Hopefully, parliament will accept changes and choose to properly govern its people.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Journalist Found Dead

A journalist is found dead in Honduras after going missing for two days. Authorities are not sure why journalist Erick Martinez was killed, but he was part of an activist group that worked for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) relationships. 20 other members of this association have been murdered. He had also been chosen as a candidate for a coalition group. I don't personally support LGBT, but no one should be killed for doing so. Also, no one should be murdered for joining a coalition. This is sad, and this should not happen. I think he was probably murdered for being a part of LGBT because others have also died. Hopefully this killer will be caught and tried. Also, no one should be killed for their beliefs. Every person has their own opinions, and their views should be honored.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Opposition Convicted Wrongly

Mansogo, the leader of the opposition party and also a surgeon, has been convicted to three years in prison for neglecting his job as a surgeon. Recently, a patient died during a surgery, yet the court case has not been just. Also, his prosecutor has been unfairly prosecuted and seems to be more of a political case. Mansogo has also been forced to send about ten thousand U.S. dollars to the family, and to pay 3,000 U.S. dollars to the government. Also, the prison  is unsanitary with bad food and water. This trial is unfair. There is no real proof and also surgery is a tricky business. I don't know a lot about surgery, but it seems to be difficult and the results not always certain. The government should not harass opposition and their people should be duly convicted witha proper trial and justice. A country needs freedom of speech to run smoothly.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Attorney Jailed

In Iran, Mohammad Ali Dadkhah has been representing a christian pastor who is on the death row and has been an attorney for many other activists and christians. Recently, the judge has sentenced him to nine years in jail for allegedly "threatening national security". This recent development is certain to harm the pastor's case. Neither of these men deserve to be in jail or sentenced to death. This is a major freedom of speech violation. If the government expects to keep peace among the people, it must respect their rights. Both of these people deserve better.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Journalists Killed

There is fear spreading in Veracruz, Mexico. Workers in the media are being killed. One journalist was slain dismembered and stuffed in a trash can in a shopping area after hours. A slaughter of 35 people were dumped on the highway during traffic hour. As corruption is normal among the police, the government has fired 800 police officers and replaced them with 800 marines. Other social workers have also been fired. Most of the photographers and journalists killed have been slain in relation to cartel crime. Local gang members often try to control the media to downplay their crimes or highlight another's. These people need help and they should not be threatened. While this is not obvious, this is a violation of the freedom of speech. This organized crime is used to control the media into fear and take control through threat. This must stop. People's lives depend on finding the killer, and social stability depends on bringing them to justice.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Free Protestors

In Bahrain, anti-government have been arrested. In a special military court, 14 protest leaders have been convicted of activities that have only been related to freedom of expression. Others have been tried in absentia. The trial has sentenced eight to life sentences and the others have been tried to sentences from 2 to 15 years. None of these people have been convicted with fair process and there has been suspicion of torture. This must change. A society relies on freedom of speech to properly work and these citizens should have better. None of their right should be abused. This situation needs to change, like many situations around the world. These people should not be abused.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Activists Arrested

The United Arab Emirates should immediately release their prisoners. They have arrested political activists without due trial. One man was bailed yet has not been released. They have threatened to revoke citizenship. Some people signed a petition for government reforms, and many of them are being held prisoner. The government needs to give its people due process and freedom of speech. It is a necessary part of government to allow people to give freedom of expression. This situation needs to change.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Repression of Free Speech

King Abdullah in the Arab kingdom has promised reforms, but lately two journalists have been arrested for reporting on a prime minister who was heard to have told other parliamentary members not to refer an official to a corruption court. One was bailed for about 7050 U.S. dollars. The other was given no bail. Other people have been arrested. Two groups of peaceful protestors were arrested and a man was arrested for burning a picture of the king. If the king wishes his people to believe that he will make reforms, he must give his people free speech and not persecute them for pointless "crimes". These people are being abused and this must stop if the country will ever have peace.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Revolutionary Icon Jailed

In Iran, an 80 year-old activist has been arrested and detained. His name is Yazdi and his health has been failing. His family members are afraid that jail could kill him, along with another activist. Yazdi, during his trial, refused to defend himself as his accusations mainly related to freedom of speech and he believed he did nothing wrong. It looks like Yazdi has been sentenced to Jail, although neither he nor his lawyer has yet been informed. This is very inspiring behavior, that he would not only stand up for what he believes in, but refuse to take beck his words under extreme pressure and attempt to defend his actions.The Iranian government should honor people's rights and face any threat. This is low what they do and threatens the people's freedom. Once one right is jeopardized, all of them may be.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cyber Security

A new bill in the United States has recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives and is in the Senate. Obama has declared that if the bill is on his desk, he will veto it. This new bill, labeled Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (Cispa), is designed to allow the government to access web-users private information on a suspicion of a threat. Many people are backing this, including Microsoft and Facebook, while activists are vehemently opposed. I agree with the activist, this bill is not right and jeopardizes our first amendment. MAny things, including SOPA, have put our rights at risk latley, and if the government gains too much power, who will keep it in check. It is important to protect our rights, especially freedom of speech, to keep our government in line.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

This is background information on freedom of speech. A list of inalienable human rights made by the people of France and approved by the National Assembly of France during the French Revolution. In Article 11 it states that Freedom of Expression "is one of the most precious rights of man" and must be protected. This is one of the earliest documents that states freedom of communication must be protected. It is an important right to protect and the french revolters recognized that. It is kind of cool that the french people thought these rights were so important that they made a list to remind the people. Hopefully, people will be reminded that rights are important and remind their governments.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Reporter Shot

In Northeastern Brazil, 42 year-old Sa was shot as he ate dinner at a diner. Over his years of writing, he has featured many local crimes and unearthed a lot of corruption, gaining him many enemies. While his friends and family are grieved by the incident, they are not necessarily surprised. In a recent study, Brazil is number 11 in the world for the murder of journalists gone unsolved. Especially with his location, reporters are not surprised. This is sad. This man was doing his best to make his town aware of crime and corruption, and he was killed. While this may not be surprising, this needs to stop. Cases such as this can not go unsolved. If people believe they can get away with killing their enemies, especially journalists, then crime will rampage in the city. Freedom of speech will become a thing of the past if the murders go unsolved and the citizens, every single one, are not protected.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Journalist Attacked

An independent journalist in Kazakhstan is attacked by two men. He was very outspoken, which is rare in a country where journalists and outspoken writers are harassed and threatened. His family called authorities to make sure that there was an investigation, but most investigations such as this go nowhere. This is sad that freedom of expression is threatened and people cannot be outspoken without being attacked. The investigation needs to be thorough and the attackers must be punished. If people can continue to attack journalists, then eventually there will be no freedom of speech for fear of being attacked. The attackers must be prosecuted.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

US Bill of Rights

Here is a copy of the Bill of RIghts, which are amendments to the Constitution of the United States to protect the rights of the people. In Amendment 1, they address our freedom of speech to make sure it is protected. Our founders believed this right was so important, they added a list of amendments to our constitution to try and prevent the need for another revolution. It did not condone violence, nor did it allow it, for the first amendment does not give us the right to smack our neighbor if he is being unfair, though he may deserve it. It gives us the right to publicly speak out against the government, peacefully of course, in case there comes a time when we wish a grievance addressed. I believe this was very important, and it has protected the rights of american citizens for years. Freedom of speech is important, and our founders made sure it was protected very well. Every person has the right to peacefully speak out against wrongs, whether it is given to them or not.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bloggers Falsely Arrested

In Vietnam, three bloggers have been arrested on trumped up charges. These arrests are violating their freedom of speech. The bloggers have been speaking out against unjust government activities. One man, who was arrested on trumped up charges was sentenced to a little over two years in prison. When his former wife came to pick him up on the day of his release, she was interrogated and her home was searched. The blogger was not released and sentenced to more prison time on more trumped up charges. The unjust attempt to control what people say about the government show that what it is up to is not good. If people can't speak out, then there is usually something they are trying to hide. The people's rights must always be protected, but especially freedom of speech, as it allows people to uncover other crimes and violations of rights. These bloggers must receive fair trial.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Anti-Education Attack

In Afghanistan, the Taliban forbidding women to be educated was lifted in 2001. However, there are still attacks against girls, teachers and schools from continual opposition. In one school, 150 girls in a school were poisoned in what is believed to eb an anti-education attack. The officials know it was poisoning, because the tank where water was brought was not contaminated, although officials are unwilling to pinpoint the attack for fear of provoking violence. This is sad, that people are so sure of their beliefs, that they are willing to kill those who violate their beliefs. These school girls did nothing wrong, yet they were punished for going to school. While I don't believe in provoking violence, I do think that justice should be brought upon the offenders. If something like this is allowed to slide, who is to say it own't happen again? They will believe they can get away with it and continue.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

North Korea Concentration Camp

A survivor and one of the few to escape from a North Korea concentration camp relates his story. Shin Dong-hyuk, the escapee, tells how he had never before experienced life outside the camp. Only until two years after his escape did he even begin to understand what family is as he was raised by guards, he couldn't understand. Political dissidents are sent to these camps, along with  their wife, children and grandchildren. Everyone at the camp was starving and he felt no guilt until he left for turning in his mother and brother for planning to escape. They were both executed publicly. This is horrible. The people's rights are not being respected and the horrors they are experiencing are tremendous. Situations in North Korea need to change and the people must be taken care of.  People should never have to experience and see such horror.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Syrian "Executions"

In this video, Human Rights Watch interviews two people. These people saw the marks of torture the Syrian government and army has inflicted on men. The rounded up 500 men and women to watch as they beat two men who wore military uniforms and then were shot. Another man relates what he saw, how he left the army when he was tortured. The men were tortured, urinated on, and shot. This situation needs to change. The government, or army, cannot torture its people. Before any executions, the government needs proper evidence. The people's rights need to be protected and there must be justice.

Monday, April 9, 2012

No Justice

Two years ago in Thailand, protesters were attacked by the police and soldiers with lethal weapons. By the end, 90 people were killed and 2,000 people injured. The families of the victims are still waiting for justice and recently, the new government has decided to give a bill for reconciliation that will allow powerful people to get away with grievous crimes with no punishment. Also, many protestors have been punished, yet no one with a government job has been investigated or punished. The government claims no lethal weapons had been used despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. This situation needs to change. The criminals need to own up to their crimes, and there needs to be justice in the system. If people can get away with their crimes, it will destabilize the entire country and make way for tons of crimes and unsafe conditions for its citizens. The families of victims also want to see the people who hurt their family pay for their crimes. While government may not work for the people, it works for the sake of the people. There needs to be some justice.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Journalists Accosted

Journalists, when searching for a court room to report on the proceedings, were accosted, beaten and, when the magistrate ordered it, arrested. In Nigeria, it is normal for journalists and editors to be threatened, attacked or killed. Many people in this society are corrupted and can easily be bribed. This is another situation in which the people's freedom of speech is threatened. The Nigerians view the freedom of speech as a right, and they are right in seeing it that way. The people need help, and the government needs to enforce its laws, protect those who report the news and discourage corruption. While no one is perfect, the people need to know what is going on, and the more journalists out there, the bigger chance that people will get the full story. This situation needs to change. Journalists deserve their rights just as much as anyone else around the world.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Silent Screams

South Sudan, with a mainly Christian population, seceded from Sudan in 2011. Last Sunday, the government of Sudan declared that any person whose parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents who were born in South Sudan or who is part of another ethnic group must leave Sudan or else. About 500,000 to 700,000 Christians are being displaced and have one week to leave. The author questions why no one is mentioning this, or coming to the aid of the abused people and I have to agree. These people need the world's attention and should not be forcefully evicted just because of where their parents were born, or personal decisions they decided to make. Why does no one come to their aid? Don't these people have as much right to freedom of religion as we do? These people need us and others to protest on their behalf, and it is the job of our leaders to act. This cannot stay quiet.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Uganda Bans Activist Group

The Ugandan government has banned activist group "Action for Change"  because they have not scheduled their protests with the police. This group is demonstrating against corruption and costs of living. The government also claims this group has been using violence during its "walk to work" protests. This is slightly ridiculous. Even if the protests were unscheduled, shouldn't that simple ban any protests until further notice from this particular group. Shouldn't that entitle that the leaders must inform the police of their intentions? People should have the right to peacefully assemble and speak out against government policies. While it is good to avoid violence, it is important that people's rights are honored.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Violent Response to Critics

In Angola, the government had a civil war about ten years ago. Now, however, all peaceful protests and critics have been robbed, beaten, and threatened when demonstrating against government policies. Many protestors, when scheduled for police protection, have been attacked by policemen in civilian clothes with no aid. Demonstrators have been arrested on false charges and with no evidence. Freedom of speech and the right to peacefully assemble is extremely important. It is a huge step in making sure other rights of citizens are protected. Many people could be helped if they had the freedom of speech. This Angolan government needs to stop and change its policies. Its civilians should have the protection of the police and should not feel threatened to peacefully speak out against the government and its policies.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Palestinian Residency Control

Israeli has security concerns for its people. Therefore, anyone who is not listed in the registry can not move between West Bank and Gaza. This would seem a good policy, however, many families have been separated because of this and have not seen each other for years. tow families are shown who have not met each other for a while. One man, has not seen his family for ten or twelve years. While this policy might seem a good idea, perhaps the government can find a way to allow families to be reunited. These people have the right to see their families, and the government should look through registry and forms to find a way to reunite them. Hopefully, they will see their families soon.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Syrian Residents used as Human Shields

This video interviews a couple men in Syria and shows people being forced by the army to march in front of tanks. The men relate how the army rounded up men, even some women and children, to force them to protect the tanks. Clips of tanks with citizens being forced to march in front are shown, along with men pointing guns at the people to force them to move. While this a terrible, inhumane action, it would be effective. If you do not want to hurt citizens, only massive weapons would allow you to destroy tanks without hurting the people. That is, if it is aimed correctly. While this tactic of using human shields may work, it is totally inhumane and should never be used. Syria has more to think about than endangering their citizens to protect the army. Armies are designed to protect the people, not threaten them. This needs to stop soon or a lot of innocent civilians may be hurt.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Virginia Gang forces Prostitution

In Virginia, a street gang has forced high school girls between sixteen and eighteen to participate in a prostitution ring. Many of the girls, when reluctant or when trying to quit, have been beaten, cut, or threatened. The girls, as a test, have been forced to have sex with the leader, Strom, or any of the members and then forced to go to apartment complexes to solicit work. 11 gang members have been charged with sex trafficking. This is sad, that high school girls are being forced to be prostitutes, when they have so much potential. I wonder if they ever told authorities, or tried to. Hopefully, people are alert to situations like this and will be ready to help. I wonder what happened to the people who accepted the prostitutes' work. Hopefully, the girls threatened will be cared for and not punished.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Women Jailed for "Moral Crimes"

More than 400 women and girls are in the Afghanistan jail for "moral crimes" crimes that include being raped, running away from an abusive husband or family, forced prostitution and others. The men who committed the crimes walk around free with no punishment. In this society, a man can divorce his wife by simply declaring himself divorced, while it is almost impossible for a woman to divorce an abusive husband. Some women, who have gone to the police in need of dire help, have actually been arrested. The Afghani government has been promising to change circumstances for more than a decade, yet nothing has happened. This situation needs to change, and the government needs to own up to its promises. It seems many women around the world have been abused, yet who is their voice? Women in Afghanistan are in dire need of help. Why is it that women seem to be the ones abused?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cuba Human Rights Deteriorate

Human Rights offenses are increasing in Cuba, and many people have been intimidated and taken into custody. Over the past year, abuses have risen and have been taken note of as the Pope goes to visit Cuba.   Many people have been arrested for posting government critiques, and women from Ladies in White have been arrested on their way to mass. Hopefully, the Pope's arrival will help bring to light abuses and help the people. The situation in the Cuban government needs to change, and hopefully they will address the situation.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Abusing Domestic Workers

In Lebanon, there has been a problem of employers abusing their domestic workers. In one video, a woman is being beaten and forced into a car. Police arrive at the scene and transport her to a psychiatric hospitable for treatment. The men who beat her received no punishment. Soon after, the woman commits suicide. The government made no investigations until the act became a media circus. Once that occurred, the government looked around. Also, of the arrests made on beatings, denying food, and locking them in, very few had suitable punishments, or any punishment at all. Some countries have resorted to refusing their citizens to visit Lebanon. This is outrageous. I actually never heard about anything like this, until I found out myself. The situation for workers needs to change, and the government needs a lot of encouragement to change their ways. We shouldn't go to war over this, that's ridiculous, but we must do something! The people need help, and ti's not just then. This blog was started to spread the word. Hopefully, it is spreading.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chinese Executions and Organs

This cartoon shows a police officer telling one of his men to arrest someone. Here, if there is an execution, the organs are used for medical purposes. That means, the government has it in their interest to execute a person. Having it in your interest to execute people in order to have organs for other people, executions would be seen in a better light. While I think it is good that this helps people, this definitely changes the view of an execution. If an execution can help society, that actually encourages the practice, even if charges are not just. So, realizing what this practice could lead to, I think it would be better if it didn't happen. This would take a practice meant to enforce justice into something greedy and wrong. It brings another question: What would you give to survive? The life of a possibly innocent stranger?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

China's threatening One-Child Slogans

China comunist state has enforced a law of one child per couple. This law has been enforced with sterilisation and abortions, and encouraged by threatening slogans. Government officials are beginning to wonder if this is the best approach and are encouraging a milder tone. However, whether or not the tone is mild, China plans to continue to enforce its one-child laws. Whether or not the slogans are non-threatening, the message seems to remain the same: one child, no more, no less and make sure it stays that way. While I definitely agree that threatening slogans are not the best approach, I think the law in and of itself is wrong and should be changed. I loved Margaret Peterson Haddix's "The Shadow Children" series, which addresses these issues. While this is simply a popular children's novel, the message is the same: it is wrong to limit a family. Every possible child is special and deserves the same rights.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gunmen attack Schools

In Nigeria, gunmen have been raiding schools, burning them to the ground. The chief instigator's name seems to be Boko Haram, meaning "Western education is sacrilege".  A man using the name Abul-Qaqa told reporters he was representing Boko Haram. This happened two days before they attacked Gamboru Primary School. The government is deploying soldiers across hot spots and giving its policemen license to search without a warrant. So far, this has brought no results and the government is trying to protect its people by having them go to numerous checkpoints. There was recently another attack in the central state Kaduna, which sits just on the dividing line between Christian south, and Muslim north. These attacks need to stop. The people are scared, and currently the government's methods are not producing results. They need to try something new to protect its people from radicals. Hopefully, this situation will get cleaned up soon, but it seems Nigeria is not the only country in need.

Monday, February 27, 2012

EU Overlooking the Denial of Rights in China

The EU recently had their annual speech, and it barely mentioned human rights. It certainly did not bring to notice the deteriorating standards for human rights in China. There have been several individual cases  made known in this particular article. It shows people who are asking for a political change or criticizing their governments being abducted and held prisoner without proper charges or evidence. People include Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo. Why has the EU not spoken out against China? I agree with this writer; if the EU ever plans to have peaceful relations with all countries, then they must enforce all international laws. These laws are being broken by the Chinese government, and the people need help. We see them speaking out for the people of Syria and other places like it, why not China?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cease Fire in Syria

Civilians are still being killed in Syria and the UN is requesting a cease-fire. Russia and China are still protecting Syria, although the UN hopes that they will soon stop their support. The people of Syria are attempting to instate their own president and are asking their current president to step down. If the people win, which they should, Russia and China will probably lose the support of the people. The current president is attempting to beat down the people and remain in power. We have seen the situation in Syria before, and the people need help. Those who are giving weapons to the government are being requested to stop. This situation needs to change and the people need a voice. The government is meant to protect the people and these people should be able to have some power over their own government. Hopefully this will all smooth out soon.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Freedom of Speech under Threat in Hungary

The media in Hungary recently came under supervision of the government with the installation of a new constitution this new year. A newspaper critiquing the government was recently fined for someone posting a negative comment about the previous president. The television news stations are laying off many of their workers, and some believe it is for political reasons. Those who stay are being dictated on what they can or cannot write. Lastly, a radio station recently had its license to air taken away and is required to air music at least sixty percent of the time if they want their license back. The European Union is requiring Hungary to either allow media freedom or face punishment under Article 7. Hopefully, this situation will be settled without any blood spilled. However, I hope that the EU officials are not afraid to act if the case requires. If they do not act to allow freedom of speech in one country, I think there is a good chance other nations will start ignoring our rights also.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Human Rights Campaign for Homosexuals

Human Rights Campaign is working to bring equality to all people in America, including gay and lesbians. They are spreading the word and trying to bring equality to all people. They believe homosexuality is a right each person has. I am a marriage traditionalist, meaning I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. However, I don't think I have any right to tell people they can not do differently. Not everyone considers this a human rights issue. I don't think I have the answer. While I think this may not be a human rights issue, this is an issue.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Child Soldiers in Somalia

It seems Somalia is among the countries using child soldiers to protect their troops. The Al-Shabab have been abducting children everywhere to use in battle. The boys are used to protect the adult soldiers, and the girls are given as wives to Al-Shabab fighters. Many people are fleeing from the area and tons of children have died. It seems this is just one of the countries using children to protect their troops or to use as pawns. These children need a voice and protection. The government in Somalia needs to govern its people and stop the Al-Shabab from abducting children and using them. This is just one place of many that needs help.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Forced Evictions for Eurovision

As Eurovison music contest is coming out, Azerbaijani authorities have been evicting families from their homes. The families have been forced from their home without proper recompensation One man served in ht military for half of his life, yet was forced to leave his home because of falling debris. The families ho have stayed have lost telephone service, plumbing and any water. The people who stayed have even resorted to melting snow to get water. While the area may be necessary for the competition,they should at least be offering proper compensation. Also, the families who stay should not be forced to such extremes. These people need more than they have been offered.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tweeter Faces Apostasy Trial

A man who escaped to Malaysia deported him back to Saudi Arabia. The man, Kashgari, look as though he will be put to death fro some religious ideas that he tweeted. The tweets have now been deleted and he will be facing a trial. Another man was sentenced to death for saying two words they considered apostasy. He was instead sentenced to eighteen years in jail  when he apologized. This is a gross injustice of the freedom of speech. It looks like certain areas of the world suffer more from human rights violations than others. The leaders of theses countries need to change their policies. Each person has certain rights and these rights should be honored.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Human Rights Watch Interview

In Syria, the government is violating human rights and torturing their detainees. Many people are tortured with cattle prods and will often hear the scream of other people being tortured. The Human Rights Watch is working to change this. I hope this this situation is corrected soon. It is not right to torture people and they need help. The situation in Syria will hopefully change soon, but right now, just stay aware.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sports are Banned for Women

In Saudi Arabia, women and girls are banned from playing sports. Public schools do not offer any physical education for girls and in private schools they are lacking. Women are not allowed to join any sports club and competitive sports are not allowed. Saudi Arabia has never allowed women to participate and the Olympics have not done anything about. It is really sad to think that governments are taking time to prevent women from playing something as simple as soccer. Also, the sense of equality is disrupted in the Olympics because women are not allowed to participate, though their men are encouraged. This situation should change and I now realize how much i take for granted the freedoms I have in America.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Turkmenistan Elections

Saparmurat Niyazov was declared president for life and has repressed his people, given himself absolute power, and erected golden statues of himself. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov replaced Saparumrat Niyazov when he died in 2006. Now, there is another election for a new president, however, it does not look like the country will change too much. Of the candidates, only the current president is a well-known candidate. Although he has promised reforms, so far, he has followed the rule of his predecessor. Hopefully, the situation for the people of Turkmenistan will change and the reforms will be coming. Although hoping doesn't do too much, it would not be good for us to interfere. We can encourage the president to help his people and to bring liberty to his country, yet, there is only so much we can do.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Child Soldiers

The UN encouraged and drafted a global law to protect children under 18 from being drafted. Despite the law, some countries continue to use child soldiers. Some children are drafted at ages as young as seven and young children are especially popular for suicide bombings. Conflicts in Yemen, Libya, and Afghanistan have inspired the use of child soldiers. The use of children in war is terrible. War is a dark and difficult thing for any person, no matter their age. The use of children is horrible and it is sad that people are willing to use them to achieve their own ends. Hopefully, this situation will end soon.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Human Rights Council Cartoon

This cartoon depicts the Human Rights Council. While the other members are debating, a Syrian representative is killing people. The representative actually seems to be the president. I guess the cartoon is not targeting Syria, but the man ruling them. The image is quite amusing and not hard to understand, but the situation is serious. The people in Syria need help, and activists should work to help the people. We should work to support those making a difference. Hopefully, the situation will change soon.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Syrian Gov. Aims to Crush Rebels

The Syrian Government is working to crush the rebellion blossoming in Homs. 105 people were killed Thursday, 95 of them in Homs. The UN drafted a resolution, but Russia and China blocked it. Many members of the army are defecting and joining the rebellion, while government troops are guarding borders to make sure no weapons are given to the rebels. This seems to be a culmination of the government beating back all protests brutally, no matter how peaceful. This seems to be a situation in which the people are finally taking a stand and fighting for their rights. While war is ugly and one should never wish for it, these people need a change in government if they are being abused by the people who are supposed to protect their rights. Hopefully, this will find a more peaceful end and the situation in Syria will drastically improve.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Iran Targets Arab Minority

Iran seems to be targeting Arabs in their arrests. It has been confirmed that two people died while being detained by the government's intelligence. One family, when informed that their son was dead, was told that his remains had already been buried and were not allowed to hold a public funeral. Many of the arab arrests have been in response to graffiti and anti-government protests. The Human Rights Watch was not allowed to investigate. The situation in Iran needs to change. No government should target any race or religion. It is sad for the Irani people. They are being denied the right to freedom of speech, the government is targeting a minority, and their prisoners are being brutally tortured and killed. This situation has to change.
Global War on Christians in the Muslim World

While we are very afraid of offending any religions in America, it has caused us to ignore the persecution christians undergo in the muslim world. Many christians in such places lose their churches, homes, and  their lives, while many governments ignore and do nothing. In places like Sudan and Nigeria, christians live in fear of mutilation, bombing, and gangs. While I am all for religious freedom, and I really don't believe all muslims are so radical, this is a threat to people around the world that cannot be ignored. I hope, someday, we'll be able to report truthfully about all pieces of news. While the news is factual, we are ignoring many crimes around the world, and people that really need our help.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Human Trafficking at the Super Bowl

Governor Mitch Daniels of Indianapolis is seeking to strengthen human trafficking laws in time for the Super Bowl. In large events such as this, hundreds of prostitutes come to the city in search of clients. Many people will walk into a club or casino, and come out with a prostitute, yet not all do this voluntarily. Human trafficking seems to be one of the largest crimes world wide, and events like this include sex-slaves. It is sad to think that in America, we still have victims of human trafficking during something as popular and seemingly innocent as the Super Bowl. What I am curious about, is why none of this was mentioned in Pres. Obama's Human Rights Speech. He talked about getting booed, or afraid to walk down the street. All of these are nowhere near as bad as becoming a sex slave. Why did he not even mention we still have human trafficking in America? This issue needs more attention.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pres. Obama Human Rights Campaign Speech

President Obama makes a speech of Human Rights in America at the Human Rights Campaign. He talks about standing up for a soldier, or how people are still being discriminated and rejected. President Obama says he will take the time to help America become a more united nation. While what Obama is talking about sounds great, I think there are bigger problems in the world. There is still slavery and illegal torture, people who are denied by their governments the basic necessities. While we should watch America and make sure we work to make a better country, I think we need to worry about more than just ourselves. There are bigger problems than getting booed.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Iraqi Executions

Iraqi executions for this year alone have been estimated at over 50; January 19 alone had 34 executions. Human Rights activists are questioning the due process and fairness of the trials. The prisoners are not allowed to choose their own lawyers and are kept incommunicado. There have even been concerns about forced confessions as no one on the death row has been pardoned. People who commit crimes should have punishment for them. However, this level of punishment seems unreasonable as it is hard to believe so many people have committed crimes worthy of death in the past month or so. I hope the situation changes and each prisoner is given fair trial. Not every person is an enemy and killer, and not every prisoner deserves to be killed. Death is irrevocable; you can't change it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Torture in India

The Indian Border Security Force has been caught torturing and sexually abusing their victims. Soni Sori, a women from Chhattisgarh State and schoolteacher, is one victim of their abuse. While the BSF is charged with protecting India's borders from smugglers and the like, it has also been detaining its prisoners and torturing them. The government even presented a medal of gallantry to one such policeman. I believe that this must end. There shouldn't be illegal abuse of prisoners, no matter where they are from or what crimes they have committed. There is a protocol, and, as a security force of the government, they should honor such laws. Better that criminals stand before a judge for their crimes where they will be fairly prosecuted, rather than be tortured behind the scenes. This abuse and lack of humanity must end.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Why are Human Rights important and why should we worry about them? 
Well, there are countries, such as America or France and England where governments honor human rights. This is not true in all areas around the world. There are places in the world today where people are being oppressed and tortured. The first step to stopping this abuse is to let the world know. Besides that this is for my social studies project, I am using this blog to let the world know.
Why should we bother?
There is nothing wrong with watching your back. While the United States Government is working to reduce our debt, we, as individuals, can take steps to help other people around the world. Maybe this is too small for an entire government to worry about, but it is right for us.
Take that first step today, learn more.