Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Silent Screams

South Sudan, with a mainly Christian population, seceded from Sudan in 2011. Last Sunday, the government of Sudan declared that any person whose parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents who were born in South Sudan or who is part of another ethnic group must leave Sudan or else. About 500,000 to 700,000 Christians are being displaced and have one week to leave. The author questions why no one is mentioning this, or coming to the aid of the abused people and I have to agree. These people need the world's attention and should not be forcefully evicted just because of where their parents were born, or personal decisions they decided to make. Why does no one come to their aid? Don't these people have as much right to freedom of religion as we do? These people need us and others to protest on their behalf, and it is the job of our leaders to act. This cannot stay quiet.

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