Friday, May 11, 2012

Peaceful Protest Intimidations

In India, a nuclear power plant is scheduled to be built. However, as it is by rural communities, the farmers and fisherman are worried about how the possible pollution might affect their livelihood. Also, the population was worried about tsunamis and nuclear fall out. They began protesting, and the government promised to consider reforms to the building if the people stopped protesting. The people stopped protesting, but the government did not seem to make any reforms, so the protesting bagan again. Now, the government is claiming that the nongovernment organizations are working for foreign countries, especially the United States. Many people are currently in prison. The government should not blame foreign countries for the people's beliefs. If India is truly democratic, it needs to listen to its people's pleas, especially if their livelihood is at stake. Hopefully, the government will release its prisoners and keep in mind possible safety changes and the risk of its people losing their livelihood.

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