Saturday, April 21, 2012

US Bill of Rights

Here is a copy of the Bill of RIghts, which are amendments to the Constitution of the United States to protect the rights of the people. In Amendment 1, they address our freedom of speech to make sure it is protected. Our founders believed this right was so important, they added a list of amendments to our constitution to try and prevent the need for another revolution. It did not condone violence, nor did it allow it, for the first amendment does not give us the right to smack our neighbor if he is being unfair, though he may deserve it. It gives us the right to publicly speak out against the government, peacefully of course, in case there comes a time when we wish a grievance addressed. I believe this was very important, and it has protected the rights of american citizens for years. Freedom of speech is important, and our founders made sure it was protected very well. Every person has the right to peacefully speak out against wrongs, whether it is given to them or not.

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