Wednesday, February 29, 2012

China's threatening One-Child Slogans

China comunist state has enforced a law of one child per couple. This law has been enforced with sterilisation and abortions, and encouraged by threatening slogans. Government officials are beginning to wonder if this is the best approach and are encouraging a milder tone. However, whether or not the tone is mild, China plans to continue to enforce its one-child laws. Whether or not the slogans are non-threatening, the message seems to remain the same: one child, no more, no less and make sure it stays that way. While I definitely agree that threatening slogans are not the best approach, I think the law in and of itself is wrong and should be changed. I loved Margaret Peterson Haddix's "The Shadow Children" series, which addresses these issues. While this is simply a popular children's novel, the message is the same: it is wrong to limit a family. Every possible child is special and deserves the same rights.

1 comment:

  1. It might be interesting to look at human rights issues surrounding this issue. For instance, boys are still highly valued in Chinese culture. What is the relationship between that and the one child policy?
