Friday, May 18, 2012

Activists Arrested

In Azerbaijan, peaceful protestors have been harshly arrested and beaten. Also, other journalists, activists, and bloggers have been arrested for using their freedom of speech, especially when it was used to criticize the government. People have been arrested as recently as a protests on May 14, where people were rounded up, or dragged aside and beaten. Especially in preparation for Eurovision, when the whole world will be watching as it is hosted in Azerbaijan, the government should release the journalists and protestors. These people should be allowed to use their right to freedom of speech. Since, Eurovision is happening, it actually helps them to gain the world's approval and might help them to gain allies. The government needs to allow the people to use their freedom of expression and the people need it for the country to run smoothly. These people deserve better.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Leading Protestors Arrested

The lead protestors in Bangladesh anti-government protests have been arrested. Now, protests have started anew to ask for their release. Also, one of the leaders of the BNP Party, whose leaders are the ones being arrested, disappeared. His car was found and was missing him and his driver. The government denies any involvement in his disappearance and refuses to grant bail for the arrested leaders. This seems to be getting violent. If the government odes not listen to the pleas of its people, the situation is sure to escalate. While the government does not have to do the commands of its people, it si entitled to listen to them and best represent and take care of its people. If the leaders have eben arrested only for anti-government protests, they  should be immediately released.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bahrain Must Release Activists

In Bahrain, activist Nabeel Rajab has been arrested for "offending an official institution". Basically, he was using his freedom of speech against the government, to criticize its actions. There have been gang attacks, and the government has not prosecuted anyone and does not seem to be investigating. Another activist has been sentenced to a life term in prison for organizing protests and protesting, and going on food strikes for his release. His daughter was arrested for protesting for the release of his sentence. These people should immediately be released. The government must give people their right to freedom of speech for the country to run smoothly and effectively. This needs to change soon.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Islamists Attack TVs

Islam in Northern Mali smashed tv's that were playing un-islamic stations. The islams recently forced away government troops and are now forcing Shariah law on the people. When protestors came out, the attackers fired shots to disperse the crowd. The muslims there are forcing strict laws. These residents deserve better and they should not have another religion's laws forced on them. Also, this is violating their freedom of speech as television is a way to express views. Hopefully, something will change and the people will give them their freedoms back.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Peaceful Protest Intimidations

In India, a nuclear power plant is scheduled to be built. However, as it is by rural communities, the farmers and fisherman are worried about how the possible pollution might affect their livelihood. Also, the population was worried about tsunamis and nuclear fall out. They began protesting, and the government promised to consider reforms to the building if the people stopped protesting. The people stopped protesting, but the government did not seem to make any reforms, so the protesting bagan again. Now, the government is claiming that the nongovernment organizations are working for foreign countries, especially the United States. Many people are currently in prison. The government should not blame foreign countries for the people's beliefs. If India is truly democratic, it needs to listen to its people's pleas, especially if their livelihood is at stake. Hopefully, the government will release its prisoners and keep in mind possible safety changes and the risk of its people losing their livelihood.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Uganda Draft Order

In Uganda, the final draft of a bill has recently been given to parliament to approve. However, it would drastically impair freedom of speech and expression and many of its points do not follow the international law. One of its points allows violence to restore order if the person will not come willingly, no matter what crime they committed. Also, Activists for Change (A4C) a non-profit organization that protested poor governance and corruption. This bill needs to be revised. First, it should follow international law and should not be banning a non profit movement. The government should be worried about properly representing and governing its people, not protesters trying to get a greater reforms. Hopefully, parliament will accept changes and choose to properly govern its people.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Journalist Found Dead

A journalist is found dead in Honduras after going missing for two days. Authorities are not sure why journalist Erick Martinez was killed, but he was part of an activist group that worked for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) relationships. 20 other members of this association have been murdered. He had also been chosen as a candidate for a coalition group. I don't personally support LGBT, but no one should be killed for doing so. Also, no one should be murdered for joining a coalition. This is sad, and this should not happen. I think he was probably murdered for being a part of LGBT because others have also died. Hopefully this killer will be caught and tried. Also, no one should be killed for their beliefs. Every person has their own opinions, and their views should be honored.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Opposition Convicted Wrongly

Mansogo, the leader of the opposition party and also a surgeon, has been convicted to three years in prison for neglecting his job as a surgeon. Recently, a patient died during a surgery, yet the court case has not been just. Also, his prosecutor has been unfairly prosecuted and seems to be more of a political case. Mansogo has also been forced to send about ten thousand U.S. dollars to the family, and to pay 3,000 U.S. dollars to the government. Also, the prison  is unsanitary with bad food and water. This trial is unfair. There is no real proof and also surgery is a tricky business. I don't know a lot about surgery, but it seems to be difficult and the results not always certain. The government should not harass opposition and their people should be duly convicted witha proper trial and justice. A country needs freedom of speech to run smoothly.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Attorney Jailed

In Iran, Mohammad Ali Dadkhah has been representing a christian pastor who is on the death row and has been an attorney for many other activists and christians. Recently, the judge has sentenced him to nine years in jail for allegedly "threatening national security". This recent development is certain to harm the pastor's case. Neither of these men deserve to be in jail or sentenced to death. This is a major freedom of speech violation. If the government expects to keep peace among the people, it must respect their rights. Both of these people deserve better.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Journalists Killed

There is fear spreading in Veracruz, Mexico. Workers in the media are being killed. One journalist was slain dismembered and stuffed in a trash can in a shopping area after hours. A slaughter of 35 people were dumped on the highway during traffic hour. As corruption is normal among the police, the government has fired 800 police officers and replaced them with 800 marines. Other social workers have also been fired. Most of the photographers and journalists killed have been slain in relation to cartel crime. Local gang members often try to control the media to downplay their crimes or highlight another's. These people need help and they should not be threatened. While this is not obvious, this is a violation of the freedom of speech. This organized crime is used to control the media into fear and take control through threat. This must stop. People's lives depend on finding the killer, and social stability depends on bringing them to justice.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Free Protestors

In Bahrain, anti-government have been arrested. In a special military court, 14 protest leaders have been convicted of activities that have only been related to freedom of expression. Others have been tried in absentia. The trial has sentenced eight to life sentences and the others have been tried to sentences from 2 to 15 years. None of these people have been convicted with fair process and there has been suspicion of torture. This must change. A society relies on freedom of speech to properly work and these citizens should have better. None of their right should be abused. This situation needs to change, like many situations around the world. These people should not be abused.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Activists Arrested

The United Arab Emirates should immediately release their prisoners. They have arrested political activists without due trial. One man was bailed yet has not been released. They have threatened to revoke citizenship. Some people signed a petition for government reforms, and many of them are being held prisoner. The government needs to give its people due process and freedom of speech. It is a necessary part of government to allow people to give freedom of expression. This situation needs to change.